Sunday, February 18, 2007

Spectacle, Fear and Protest, Anton Rosenthal

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

ugh- fine.

it's my first website- even though it isnt wicked sexy or nothing it still got some knowledge to offer. haha.

>>bolivarian process<<

Friday, February 09, 2007

Making Participation Work in Porto Alegre, Benjamin Goldfrank

excerpt from "RADICALS IN POWER", bout participartor budgeting and all that:

Monday, October 16, 2006

Ecuador and Colombia: Venezuela’s Build-Up Not a Concern

Colombia and Ecuador said they have good relations with Venezuela as a response to statements delivered by U.S. Defense Secretary, Donald H. Rumsfeld, regarding "Venezuela’s neighboring countries’ worry for arms purchase".

Rumsfeld delivered these statements last Monday on the occasion of the Western Hemisphere Military Leaders Meeting, held in Nicaragua. The U.S. Defense Secretary told reporters “I can understand neighbors being concerned.”

Venezuelan President Chávez responded to Rumsfeld by asking his Colombian counterpart, Álvaro Uribe, to clarify if he was actually concerned by Venezuela’s arms purchase.

Uribe responded and said: “Colombia is a country that has very good relations with its South American brothers, with Venezuela, and good relations with the United States,” said Colombian president to Santa Fé de Bogotá Radio station.

President Hugo Chávez thanked Colombian President, Álvaro Uribe, for making clear the good relations he has with Venezuela, thus resisting being used y the United States in order to provoke a quarrel between these two countries. He highlighted Uribe’s “kindness” and “wisdom” and also thanked his response to Rumsfeld’s statement.

Ecuador’s Support

On the other hand, Ecuador’s Minister of Foreign Affairs, Francisco Carrión, assure that his country “is not concerned” for Venezuela’s recent arms purchase.

“We are not concerned about this issue about Venezuela, we have had a long a close relation with this country,” told Carrión to AFP.

Minister Carrión also assured that “nations make sovereign decisions regarding many issues, among which we can find their defense and security.”

Likewise, he highlighted that the Ecuadorian government “does not have to give an opinion on what Venezuela or the United States do regarding this field.”

Venezuela has bought AK-103 Kalashnikovs rifles and other military equipment to replace some obsolete equipment in hands of the National Armed Force.

Likewise, Venezuela has strengthen his air and naval fleet by purchasing Russian aircraft and patrol boats form Spain to improve the nation’s defensive system, perfect border surveillance and fight drug trafficking.

Ministry of Communication and Information / Bolivarian News Agency

Monday, September 25, 2006

Europa, ¿primer mundo? - Frei Betto

El eurocentrismo es la enfermedad senil de una cultura que se apartó de
la realidad y, por tanto, cuyo universo está colocado por encima de la
vida real. Fue en la Alemania de Kant, de Beethoven y Einstein donde
Hitler encontró el caldo de cultivo que desembocó en las atrocidades del
nazismo. Portugal tuvo a Salazar, Italia a Mussolini, España a Franco:
todos ellos con las bendiciones cómplices de la Iglesia Católica. Y hoy,
¿puede decirse que Europa Occidental es el espacio por excelencia de la
democracia? ¿Por qué Europa mira con tanta suspicacia a Cuba -cuyos
avances en salud y en educación fueron elogiados por Juan Pablo II en su
viaje de 1898-, así como a los gobiernos de Chávez, en Venezuela, y de
Morales, en Bolivia, apoyados por una amplia mayoría de la población?
Tony Blair, con su respaldo a la agresión imperialista de Bush -en
Afganistán, en Irak y en el Líbano- ¿es ejemplo de democracia? Y la
indiferencia de los gobiernos europeos ante el deterioro de las
condiciones sociales, económicas y políticas de África, ¿es ejemplo de
democracia? ¿Cómo hablar de democracia cuando los extranjeros son
considerados intrusos y los musulmanes terroristas virtuales?